$(function () { Sugis.InitMap(); Sugis.Init(); Sugis.Dingwei(); }) var Sugis = { postUrl: "/Sugis/Handler.aspx", TQList_josn: null, map_dqck: null, curr_grade: null,//当前的级数 currDataTime: "",//当前时间戳 StationList: new Dictionary(),//需要显示的站点 ListSnum: Array(),//时间序列数据分区key dicListData: new Dictionary(),//时间序列数据分区数组 c_i:0, Init: function () { var tqysControl = $("#tqysControl"); tqysControl.bind("click", function () { if ($(this).attr('checked') != undefined) { $("input:radio[name='tqys']").removeAttr("disabled") Sugis.TQYS_chang(true); } else { $("input:radio[name='tqys']").attr("disabled", true) Sugis.TQYS_chang(false); } }) $("input:[name='tqys']").bind("click", function () { Sugis.TQYS_chang(true); }) //时间选择区域 var timeChoseArea = [2, 8, 14, 20]; for (var i = 1; i >= 0; i--) { var timeChoseArea_html_li = $("
  • "); var curDate = this.SubDay(i); var month = curDate.getMonth() + 1; month = month < 10 ? "0" + month : month; var days = curDate.getDate(); days = days < 10 ? "0" + days : days; $("

    " + (curDate.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + curDate.getDate() + "

    ").appendTo(timeChoseArea_html_li); for (var k = 0; k < timeChoseArea.length; k++) { var housr = timeChoseArea[k]; this.currDataTime = curDate.getFullYear() + "" + month + "" + days + "" + (housr < 10 ? "0" + housr : housr); if (curDate.getDate() == new Date().getDate()) { if (curDate.getHours() >= housr) { $("" + housr + ":00").appendTo(timeChoseArea_html_li); } } else { $("" + housr + ":00").appendTo(timeChoseArea_html_li); } } $(".sugis_TimeChoseArea").append(timeChoseArea_html_li); } //$(".sugis_TimeChoseArea").append("
  • 5月12日

  • 5月13日

  • "); //时间区域选择事件 $(".sugis_TimeChoseArea li a").bind("click", function () { $(".sugis_TimeChoseArea li a").removeClass("on"); $(this).addClass("on"); Sugis.TqList($(this).attr("rel")); }) //首次加载站点数据 $(".sugis_TimeChoseArea li a:last").click(); //console.log(this.currDataTime); }, //天气信息 TqList: function (date) { $("
    loading Loading...
    ").appendTo($("#map_dqck")) $.getJSON("/Sugis/data/" + date + ".js", function (json) { TQList_josn = json; Sugis.CreateMarker(); }); }, //初始化地图 InitMap: function () { // 百度地图-地球此时 map_dqck = new BMap.Map("map_dqck"); map_dqck.centerAndZoom(new BMap.Point(106.466666666667, 29.5833333333333), 6); //map_dqck.centerAndZoom(new BMap.Point(113.115, 23.0145), 13); map_dqck.enableScrollWheelZoom(); //启用滚轮放大缩小,默认禁用 map_dqck.addControl(new BMap.NavigationControl()); //添加默认缩放平移控件 map_dqck.addEventListener("zoomend", function () { //alert("地图缩放至:" + this.getZoom() + "级"); Sugis.CreateMarker(); }); map_dqck.addEventListener("dragend", function () { Sugis.CreateMarker(); }); //map_dqck.clearOverlays()//清除地图上所有覆盖物 //$("#map_dqck").append("
    ") }, CreateMarker: function () { var zoom = map_dqck.getZoom(); if (zoom <= 4) { Sugis.CreateInfoBox("c");//只显示直辖省市 } else if (zoom <= 9) { Sugis.CreateInfoBox("d");//显示地级市 } else if (zoom <= 11) { Sugis.CreateInfoBox("x1");//显示区、县级 } else {//(zoom >= 12) {/ Sugis.CreateInfoBox("x");//显示县级 } }, //创建覆盖物 CreateInfoBox: function (grade) { var bs = map_dqck.getBounds(); //获取可视区域 var bssw = bs.getSouthWest(); //可视区域左下角 var bsne = bs.getNorthEast(); //可视区域右上角 var lngmin = bssw.lng; var latmin = bssw.lat; var lngmax = bsne.lng; var latmax = bsne.lat; //console.log("当前地图可视范围是:" + bssw.lng + "," + bssw.lat + "到" + bsne.lng + "," + bsne.lat); map_dqck.clearOverlays()//清除地图上所有覆盖物 /*天气要素的控制*/ var tqysControl = $("#tqysControl").attr('checked') != undefined ? true : false;//天气要素显示控制 var tqys = $("input:[name='tqys']:checked").val();//显示的天气要素 var tx_wd_sname_checked = $("input:checkbox[name='tqys']:checked"); var txshow = function (vldVal) { for (var i = 0; i < tx_wd_sname_checked.length; i++) { if (tx_wd_sname_checked[i].value == vldVal) { return true; break; } } } var tx_tx_status = txshow("tx") ? "block" : "none";//天象是否显示 var tx_wd_status = txshow("wd") ? "block" : "none";//风是否显示 var tx_snam_status = txshow("sname") ? "block" : "none";//站点是否显示 Sugis.c_i = 0; Sugis.StationList = new Dictionary(); $.each(TQList_josn, function (index, content) { if (content.territory_grade.indexOf(grade) != -1 || content.territory_grade == 'gw') { //判断是否在可视经纬度范围内: if ((content.lo >= lngmin && content.lo <= lngmax) && (content.la >= latmin && content.la <= latmax)) { //console.log(content.name+" 可视:" + content.lo + "," + content.la); //国外站点,3-6显示 grad 1-2 zoom>7显示 全部 if (content.territory_grade == 'gw' && map_dqck.getZoom() <= 6) { if (content.grade != "1" && content.grade != "2") return true; } var _sid = content.sid; var _sid_sort = _sid.substr(0, 1);//站点id第一位作为key, var _StationList = Sugis.StationList.get(_sid_sort); if (_StationList == undefined) { _StationList = new Array(); _StationList.push(_sid); Sugis.StationList.put(_sid_sort, _StationList); } else { _StationList.push(_sid); // Sugis.StationList.put(_sid_sort, _StationList); } if (Sugis.ListSnum.indexOf(_sid_sort) == -1) { Sugis.ListSnum.push(_sid_sort); } } } }) //加载分区数据 $.each(Sugis.ListSnum, function (index, value) { var _List_josn = Sugis.dicListData.get(value);//从缓存获取区数据 if (_List_josn == undefined) { $.getJSON("/Sugis/data/" + value + "xing24.js", function (jsondayList) { Sugis.dicListData.put(value, jsondayList); Sugis.CreateMarkerInfo(jsondayList, tx_snam_status, tx_wd_status, tx_tx_status, tqys, Sugis.StationList.get(value)); }); } else { Sugis.CreateMarkerInfo(_List_josn, tx_snam_status, tx_wd_status, tx_tx_status, tqys, Sugis.StationList.get(value)); } }) if (tx_wd_status == "block") this.wf_translate(); if (tx_tx_status == "none") { $(".BMap_Marker").hide(); } }, CreateMarkerInfo: function (TQdayList_josn, tx_snam_status, tx_wd_status, tx_tx_status, tqys,_stationList) { $.each(TQList_josn, function (index, content) { if (_stationList.indexOf(content.sid) == -1) { return true; } //创建标注 --天象 var tqicon = 100; tqicon = Surfrecord.getPhImgindex(content.ww, content.cn); var myIcon = new BMap.Icon("/images/surf/" + tqicon + ".gif", new BMap.Size(25, 20)); var point = new BMap.Point(content.lo, content.la); var markerjt01 = new BMap.Marker(point, { icon: myIcon }); // 创建标注 markerjt01.setTitle(content.sid) map_dqck.addOverlay(markerjt01); // 将标注添加到地图中 var lable_style = { color: "red", fontSize: "11px", height: "15px", lineHeight: "15px", backgroundColor: "none", border: "none", display: "", fontWeight: 'bold' }; // 创建文本标注对象 var opts = { position: point, // 指定文本标注所在的地理位置 offset: new BMap.Size(-10, 10) //设置文本偏移量 } //气压-p 气温-temp 湿度-rh 6小时降水-rain var tqys_Array = ["p", "temp", "rh", "rain"];//天气要素 var tqysColor_Array = ["Purple", "red", "green", "blue"]; for (var i = 0; i < tqys_Array.length; i++) { var label = new BMap.Label(content["" + tqys_Array[i] + ""], opts); lable_style.color = tqysColor_Array[i]; lable_style.display = tqys_Array[i] == tqys ? "block" : "none"; if (!tqysControl) lable_style.display = "none"; label.setStyle(lable_style); label.setTitle(tqys_Array[i]) map_dqck.addOverlay(label); } // 创建文本标注对象 var opts = { position: point, // 指定文本标注所在的地理位置 offset: new BMap.Size(0, 0) //设置文本偏移量 } //天象 风 站名 var tx_wd_sname = $("input:checkbox[name='tqys']"); function p(x, y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; return this; } for (var i = 0; i < tx_wd_sname.length; i++) { switch (tx_wd_sname[i].value) { case "wd"://风 var wf = !isNaN(content.wf) ? parseInt(content.wf) : 2; if (wf > 40) wf = "40g" else { wf = wf % 2 == 0 ? wf : wf + 1; wf = wf == 0 ? 2 : wf; } var wfImg = ""; var opts_wd = opts; opts_wd.offset = new BMap.Size(-13, -32) var label = new BMap.Label(wfImg, opts_wd); lable_style.height = "61px"; lable_style.width = "25px"; // lable_style.color = tqysColor_Array[i]; //lable_style.display = "block"; lable_style.display = tx_wd_status; label.setStyle(lable_style); label.setTitle("wd") map_dqck.addOverlay(label); Sugis.c_i++; break; case "sname": //站名 var opts_sname = opts; opts_sname.offset = new BMap.Size(20, 10) var label_sNam = new BMap.Label(content.name, opts_sname); lable_style.color = '#000000'; lable_style.display = tx_snam_status; label_sNam.setStyle(lable_style); label_sNam.setTitle("sname") map_dqck.addOverlay(label_sNam); break; } } //创建信息窗口 //表格展现天气数据 var tableHtml = "

    " + content.name + "(" + content.name_en + ")

    "; //$.each(TQdayList_josn, function (key, tqList) { for (var i = TQdayList_josn.length-1; i > 0; i-- ){ var tqList = TQdayList_josn[i]; if (content.sid == tqList.stationid) { var cn = tqList.cn != "" ? parseInt(tqList.cn) : null; var tx_text = Surfrec._getCurrentWeather2(cn, tqList.ww, " "); var _tr = ""; tableHtml += _tr; //console.log(tableHtml); } } tableHtml += "
    Beijing time
    Wind Direction
    Wind Speed
    " + new Date(tqList.datetime.replace(/\-/g, "\/")).format('dd hh:00') + "" + tx_text + "" + tqList.t + "" + tqList.p + "" + (tqList.wd2 == "" ? "" : wd8[tqList.wd2][1]) + "" + tqList.wf2 + "" + tqList.rh + "" + tqList.r6 + "
    "; var sContentjt01 = "
    " + tableHtml + "
    "; var infoBoxjt01 = new BMapLib.InfoBox(map_dqck, sContentjt01, { offset: { width: 0, height: 5 }, boxStyle: { width: "520px", height: "280px" }, //boxClass: "infobox ibox_" + content.sid, boxClass: "infobox", closeIconMargin: "5px 8px 0 0", closeIconUrl: "images/iw_close1d3.gif", enableAutoPan: true, align: INFOBOX_AT_TOP }); markerjt01.addEventListener("click", function () { //关闭全部infobox $(".infobox").hide(); infoBoxjt01.open(markerjt01) }) }) $(".load").remove(); }, //天气要素显示隐藏控制 TQYS_chang: function (statu) { if (statu)//显示天气要素 { var tqys_arr = $("input:[name='tqys']:checked");//显示的天气要素 $(".BMapLabel").hide(); $(".BMap_Marker").hide(); for (var i = 0; i < tqys_arr.length; i++) { if (tqys_arr[i].value == "tx") {//天象 if ($(".tx_tx").attr('checked') != undefined) $(".BMap_Marker").show(); else $(".BMap_Marker").hide(); } else $(".BMapLabel:[title='" + tqys_arr[i].value + "']").show(); } this.wf_translate(); } else {//隐藏 $(".BMapLabel").hide(); //风 站名不受 显示隐藏控制 var tx_arr = $("input:[class='tx']:checked"); for (var i = 0; i < tx_arr.length; i++) { $(".BMapLabel:[title='" + tx_arr[i].value + "']").show(); } } }, //处理风向图片旋转 wf_translate: function () { setTimeout(function () { $(".wf_translate").each(function () { $(this).rotate(parseInt($(this).attr("angle"))) }) }, 200); }, //减去天数 SubDay: function (days) { //date = date.replace(/-/g, "/"); //更改日期格式 var nd = new Date(); nd = nd.valueOf(); nd = nd - days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; nd = new Date(nd); return nd; }, //快速定位 Dingwei: function () { $(".dingwei a").click(function () { $(".dingwei").hide(); var sid = $(this).text(); $.each(TQList_josn, function (index, content) { if (content.name == sid) { map_dqck.centerAndZoom(new BMap.Point(content.lo, content.la), 9); $(".BMap_Marker:[title=" + content.sid + "]").click() return false; } }) }) } } Surfrec = {}; Surfrec.CW_PHE = { "04": ["Smoke", 40], "05": ["Haze", 50], "06": ["Floating dust", 60], "07": ["Blowing sand", 70], "08": ["Dust whirl", 80], "09": ["Sand storm", 90], "10": ["Mist", 100], "11": ["Flake-shape light fog", 110], "12": ["Continuous light fog", 120], "13": ["Lightning", 130], "14": ["Precipitation within sight, but failing to reach the ground", 140], "15": ["Precipitation outside the station", 150], "16": ["Precipitation nearby the station", 160], "17": ["Thunderstorm, without precipitation", 170], "18": ["Squall", 180], "19": ["Tornado", 190], "20": ["Drizzle or snow grains (before observation)", 200], "21": ["Rain (before observation)", 210], "22": ["Snow, ice particles (before observation)", 220], "23": ["Sleet or ice particles (before observation)", 230], "24": ["Rain forming the glazed frost (before observation)", 240], "25": ["Shower (before observation)", 250], "26": ["Snow shower or sleet (before observation)", 260], "27": ["Hail or graupel (before observation)", 270], "28": ["Fog or frozen fog (before observation)", 280], "29": ["Thunderstorm (before observation)", 290], "30": ["Moderate and mild sand storm weakening", 300], "31": ["Moderate and mild sand storm lasting", 310], "32": ["Moderate and mild sand storm intensifying", 320], "33": ["Strong sand storm weakening", 330], "34": ["Strong sand storm lasting", 340], "35": ["Strong sand storm intensifying ", 350], "36": ["Moderate and mild drifting snow", 360], "37": ["Strong drifting snow", 370], "38": ["Moderate and mild blowing snow", 380], "39": ["Strong blowing snow or snowstorm", 390], "40": ["Fog nearby", 400], "41": ["Scattered fog", 410], "42": ["Fog (thinning, distinct sky)", 420], "43": ["Fog (thinning, indistinct sky)", 430], "44": ["Fog (lasting, distinct sky)", 440], "45": ["Fog (lasting, indistinct sky)", 450], "46": ["Fog (thickening, distinct sky)", 460], "47": ["Fog (thickening, indistinct sky)", 470], "48": ["Fog (forming into rime, distinct sky)", 480], "49": ["Fog (forming into rime, indistinct sky)", 490], "50": ["Intermittent light drizzle", 500], "51": ["Successional light drizzle", 510], "52": ["Intermittent moderate drizzle", 520], "53": ["Successional moderate drizzle", 530], "54": ["Intermittent thick drizzle", 540], "55": ["Successional thick drizzle", 550], "56": ["Lignt drizzle forming into glaze", 560], "57": ["Moderate-thick drizzle forming into glaze", 570], "58": ["Light drizzle and rain", 580], "59": ["Moderate-thick drizzle and rain", 590], "60": ["Intermittent light rain", 600], "61": ["Successional light rain", 610], "62": ["Intermittent moderate rain", 620], "63": ["Successional moderate rain", 630], "64": ["Intermittent heavy rain", 640], "65": ["Successional heavy rain", 650], "66": ["Light rain forming into glaze", 660], "67": ["Moderate-heavy rain forming into glaze", 670], "68": ["Light rain and snow", 680], "69": ["Moderate-heavy rain and snow", 690], "70": ["Intermittent light snow", 700], "71": ["Successional light snow", 710], "72": ["Intermittent moderate snow", 720], "73": ["Successional moderate snow", 730], "74": ["Intermittent heavy snow", 740], "75": ["Successional heavy snow", 750], "76": ["Ice spicule", 760], "77": ["Snow grains", 770], "78": ["Star-shaped snow crystals", 780], "79": ["Ice particles", 790], "80": ["Light shower", 800], "81": ["Moderate shower", 810], "82": ["Heavy shower", 820], "83": ["Light shower and snow", 830], "84": ["Moderate-heavy shower and snow", 840], "85": ["Light snow shower", 850], "86": ["Moderate-heavy snow shower", 860], "87": ["Light gustiness graupel", 870], "88": ["Moderate-heavy gustiness graupel", 880], "89": ["Light hail", 890], "90": ["Moderate-heavy hail", 900], "91": ["Light rain (after a thunderstorm)", 910], "92": ["Moderate-heavy rain (after a thunderstorm)", 920], "93": ["Light snow, graupel and hail (after a thunderstorm)", 930], "94": ["Moderate-heavy snow, graupel and hail (after a thunderstorm)", 940], "95": ["Moderate-light thunderstorm", 950], "96": ["Moderate-light thunderstorm, with hail and graupel", 960], "97": ["Heavy thunderstorm", 970], "98": ["Heavy thunderstorm, with sand storm and precipitation", 980], "99": ["Heavy thunderstorm, hail and graupel", 990], "A04": ["Haze, smoke or dust (light)", 61], "A05": ["Haze, smoke or dust (heavy)", 62], "A10": ["Mist", 101], "A11": ["Ice spicule", 761], "A12": ["Remote lightning", 131], "A18": ["Squall", 181], "A20": ["Fog (before observation)", 281], "A21": ["Precipitation (before observation)", 212], "A22": ["Drizzle or snow grains (before observation)", 201], "A23": ["Rain (before observation)", 211], "A24": ["Snow (before observation)", 221], "A25": ["Rain forming into glaze (before observation)", 241], "A26": ["Thunderstorm (before observation)", 291], "A27": ["Blowing snow or sand", 391], "A28": ["Blowing snow or sand 1 km away", 392], "A29": ["Blowing snow or sand within 1 km", 393], "A30": ["Fog", 401], "A31": ["Scattered fog", 411], "A32": ["Fog (thinning)", 431], "A33": ["Fog (lasting)", 451], "A34": ["Fog (thickening)", 471], "A35": ["Fog forming into rime", 491], "A40": ["Precipitation", 598], "A41": ["Moderate-light precipitation", 612], "A42": ["Strong precipitation", 652], "A43": ["Moderate-light liquid precipitation", 613], "A44": ["Strong liquid precipitation", 653], "A45": ["Moderate-light solid precipitation", 712], "A46": ["Strong solid precipitation", 752], "A47": ["Moderate-light frozen precipitation", 662], "A48": ["Strong frozen precipitation", 672], "A50": ["Drizzle", 499], "A51": ["Light drizzle", 511], "A52": ["Moderate drizzle", 531], "A53": ["Thick drizzle", 551], "A54": ["Light drizzle forming into glaze", 561], "A55": ["Moderate drizzle forming into glaze", 571], "A56": ["Thick drizzle forming into glaze", 572], "A57": ["Light drizzle and rain", 581], "A58": ["Thick-moderate drizzle and rain", 591], "A60": ["Rain", 599], "A61": ["Light rain", 611], "A62": ["Moderate rain", 631], "A63": ["Heavy rain", 651], "A64": ["Light rain forming into glaze", 661], "A65": ["Moderate rain forming into glaze", 671], "A66": ["Heavy rain forming into glaze", 672], "A67": ["Light rain and snow", 681], "A68": ["Heavy-moderate rain and snow", 691], "A70": ["Snow", 699], "A71": ["Light snow", 711], "A72": ["Moderate snow", 731], "A73": ["Heavy snow", 751], "A74": ["Light ice pellets", 761], "A75": ["Moderate ice pellets", 762], "A76": ["Heavy ice pellets", 763], "A77": ["Snow grains", 771], "A78": ["Ice crystal", 781], "A80": ["Showery precipitation", 799], "A81": ["Light shower", 801], "A82": ["Moderate shower", 811], "A83": ["Heavy shower", 821], "A84": ["Showery rainstorm", 822], "A85": ["Light snow shower", 851], "A86": ["Moderate snow shower", 861], "A87": ["Heavy snow shower", 862], "A89": ["Hail", 901], "A90": ["Thunderstorm", 949], "A91": ["Light-moderate thunderstorm", 951], "A92": ["Light-moderate thunderstorm, with shower or snow", 952], "A93": ["Light-moderate thunderstorm, with hail", 961], "A94": ["Heavy thunderstorm", 971], "A95": ["Heavy thunderstorm, with shower or snow", 972], "A96": ["Heavy thunderstorm, with hail", 991], "A99": ["Tornado", 191] }; Surfrec.PW_PHE = { //"0":"云占天空≤1/2", //"1":"云占天空有时>1/2,有时≤1/2", //"2":"云占天空>1/2", "3": "Sand storm,drifting snow or snowstorm", "4": "Fog,Fog or frozen fog (", "5": "Drizzle", "6": "Rain", "7": "solid precipitation", "8": "Showery precipitation", "9": "thunderstorm", "A1": "Reduced visibility", "A2": "Blowing sand", "A3": "Fog", "A4": "Precipitation", "A5": "Drizzle", "A6": "Rain", "A7": "Snow or ice pellets", "A8": "Showery precipitation", "A9": "Thunderstorm" }; Surfrec.CLOUDINESS = ['Clear', 'Micro Cloud', 'Clear', 'Less to cloudy', 'Less to cloudy', 'Less to cloudy', 'Cloudy', 'Cloudy to overcast', 'overcast', null]; Surfrec.WD8 = ['Static', 'E', 'S', 'ES', 'S', 'WS', 'W', 'WN', 'N']; /* * 获取天气描述 * @param cn 总云码 * @param ww 现在天象码 * @return 长度为2的1维数组。[0]--天气描述,[1]--顺序号 */ Surfrec._getCurrentWeather = function (cn, ww, null_str) { var n = nullif(cn, -1); var w = nullif(ww, -1); var s2 = null; var i = 0; var s1 = Surfrec.CLOUDINESS[n]; var phe = Surfrec.CW_PHE[w]; if (phe != null) { s2 = phe[0]; i = phe[1]; } //var s = fs121.util.join(s1, s2, ','); var s = s1 + "," + s2; i += n * 1000; return [nullif(s, null_str), i]; }; Surfrec._getCurrentWeather2 = function (cn, ww, null_str) { if (ww != null && ww != "") { //接天气代码 var n = cn;// nullif(cn, -1); var w = nullif(ww, -1); var s2 = null; var i = 0; var s1 = Surfrec.CLOUDINESS[n]; if (n == 9 || n == null) s1 = "Clear"; var phe = Surfrec.CW_PHE[w]; if (phe != null) { s2 = phe[0]; i = phe[1]; } //var s = fs121.util.join(s1, s2, ','); var s = s1 + "," + s2; i += n * 1000; return s; } else if (cn == null || cn == "") { return "Clear"; } else if (cn != 9) { return Surfrec.CLOUDINESS[cn]; } else { return ""; } }; //如果参数为3个,当v不为null时,返回arg1,否则返回arg2; //如果参数为2个,当v不为null时,返回v,否则返回arg1; //其它情况都返回v nullif = function (v, arg1, arg2) { if (arguments.length == 2) return v != null ? v : arg1; else if (arguments.length == 3) return v != null ? arg1 : arg2; else return v; }; Surfrec._getPastWeather = function (w1, w2) { var phe1 = Surfrec.PW_PHE[w1]; var phe2 = Surfrec.PW_PHE[w2]; if (w1 != w2) return fs121.util.join(phe1, phe2, ';'); else return phe1; }; //气象图片码 Surfrecord = { //@param ww 天象代码 //@param n 总云量代码 getPhImgindex: function (ww, n) { var i = 0; if (ww == null || ww == "") i = 0; else if (ww.indexOf('A') != -1) i = this.Aww2ww[ww]; else i = ww * 1; if (i >= 4) return i; else if (i != null && (n != null && n != "")) return 100 + parseInt(n); return 0; }, Aww2ww: { A00: 00, A01: 01, A02: 02, A03: 03, A04: 05, A05: 05, A10: 10, A11: 76, A12: 13, A18: 18, A20: 28, A21: 25, A22: 20, A23: 21, A24: 22, A25: 24, A26: 29, A27: 36, A28: 37, A29: 36, A30: 41, A31: 40, A32: 42, A33: 44, A34: 47, A35: 48, A40: 60, A41: 62, A42: 65, A43: 62, A44: 65, A45: 72, A46: 75, A47: 66, A48: 67, A50: 50, A51: 51, A52: 52, A53: 55, A54: 56, A55: 57, A56: 57, A57: 58, A58: 59, A60: 60, A61: 61, A62: 61, A63: 65, A64: 66, A65: 67, A66: 67, A67: 68, A68: 69, A70: 70, A71: 71, A72: 72, A73: 75, A74: 79, A75: 79, A76: 79, A77: 77, A78: 78, A80: 80, A81: 80, A82: 81, A83: 82, A84: 82, A85: 85, A86: 86, A87: 86, A89: 96, A90: 90, A91: 17, A92: 95, A93: 96, A94: 17, A95: 97, A96: 99, A99: 19 } }; Array.prototype.indexOf = function (val) { for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (this[i] == val) return i; } return -1; }; Array.prototype.remove = function (val) { var index = this.indexOf(val); if (index > -1) { this.splice(index, 1); } };